For Agency Owners:

How we make $197,285 every month using the “Growth Partner Model”

(11 months with just 11 clients & 68% margins)

I’m about to show you the exact business model that made me burn down my $66k/mo advertising agency and go on to build a new agency that hit $2.36m ARR in 11 months.

I’m going to give you a behind the scenes look at my business and walk you through the exact steps I took to get to this point in under a year.

You’ll see my Niche, Offer, Cold Email Scripts, Sales Scripts, Sales Letter, Hiring framework and much much more.

It’s essentially EVERYTHING that worked for us and more importantly, what didn’t.

My hope with this document is that you can save yourself countless hours and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Now just to show you the numbers, here’s my hitting $197,285/mo in March 2023, just 11 months on from starting this new type of agency.

The Growth Partner growth chart

And then doubled going to $400k/mo in the following 6 months.

The Growth Partner growth chart

The Growth Partner team

And look $400k/mo is cool but what’s cooler is having a business that doesn’t rely on you.

It’s the point where everything you’ve worked for finally becomes real.

This is when you are able to enjoy life fully.

Why did you take the risk in the first place? For respect. For freedom. For family. To prove doubters wrong. To reach your full potential. To buy the nice watches, to travel first class, to drive in the best cars, date the hottest women and get a seat around the table with the guys at the top.

You are free to work on projects that interest you, create real impact or build generational wealth.

Or just not work at all.

You have more cash coming in then you know what to do with and you never have to rely on anyone again.

And through that process you’ve acquired what I call a “fuck you skillset”.

Not only can you create demand but you can build a real business with a team that would die for you.

We grew from 0-28 team members and removed ourselves from operations.

The Growth Partner team
The Growth Partner team

Before this, Jordan helped build a £10m/yr EdTech company called The Olive Group as Managing Director and was working 7 days a week.

And I ran a $60k/mo agency that I burnt down around a year ago because I simply couldn’t keep up with the work.

The Growth Partner revenue screenshot

So it’s not about how hard you work but the vehicle you’re in.
Now I gave this document to a few of my followers on Twitter and the results have been life changing.

The Growth Partner revenue screenshot

Here’s what happened…

Joe & Tom: $485k in new deals working part-time

“If you know you’ve got skills and you’re undervalued in your agency role, do it. If you know you’ve got the drive to listen and more importantly, execute, just do it.”

Sven & Wesley: -$700 to $60,000/Month in 7 Months

“If we could get a contract last year that says ‘You’ll be at $60,000/month in 12 months', I wouldn’t believe it… but here we are.”

Stephen: $40,000/Month in 2 Months

“My previous offer, I was working as hard as I could to get clients and then I got them one month—next month I was back at zero. But now, with the new structure of my offer, I’m guaranteed that they are going to pay for for the next 12 months.”

Elizabeth: Went from a depressing 9-5 job to closing a $75,000 deal

Luke: Closed $60,000 in 17 days

“When I started, I was at zero. No clients, no nothing. Then The Growth Partner gave me that direction. I started taking action on the direction Jacob & Jordan and all the other awesome people inside the program had given me, and since then I signed my first client within two and a half weeks.”

Gregory: $0 to $85,000/month in 5

Jake: Closed $195,000 in 4 months

“Whether or not you’re wanting to start a business for the first time or whether you’re wanting to level up your business, it’s going to be some of the most fun and the most stressful work that you’re going to be going. It’s better to do it with people that understand the pains that you’re going through.”

And people like Dan here were able to collect $100,000 cheques in just a couple of months by making a few simple tweaks to what he was already doing.

Pivoting into The Growth Partner

Now although these numbers might seem massive to you, they are pretty normal with what I’m about to share.

We worked out that the average deal size is $63,566.67.

Again that’s just the average.

There are some people like Gregory using this to close $310k deals…

Pivoting into The Growth Partner Pivoting into The Growth Partner Pivoting into The Growth Partner

...and others like Jeremy bringing in $65k/mo with a single client.

Pivoting into The Growth Partner

And today we’re going to show exactly what I showed them.

How to become a Growth Partner…

This is exactly what Alex Hormozi and Leila Hormozi does with Gym Launch and Acquisition.

Pivoting into The Growth Partner

And why Brian Moncada partnered with Sam Ovens

Pivoting into The Growth Partner

And why @wizofecom pivoted in 2023:

Pivoting into The Growth Partner

This is exactly what we’re going to show you what to do because we’ve actually done it and are actively still using this model to do over $400,000 per month.

Now if you want help implementing this within your business then go ahead and book in a time to talk to me.

We’ll conduct a full agency audit and see how the Growth Partner model can apply to you.

Then we’ll create a personalised plan to get you to the next level - for FREE!

Then if we decide you're a good fit to partner with? We. Literally. Guarantee. Revenue. Or You DO NOT PAY.

At the end of the session one of two things will happen.

  1. You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and even give you a free course worth $1k so you can implement it right away.
  2. You love the plan and ask to become a partner so I can personally help you execute and profit from it ASAP. If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park... And that’s a promise.

Again, we literally guarantee revenue.

Now as you read through this document your going to know the exact steps I used and hopefully you will use it to build your own 7-figure business as a Growth Partner.

Okay - let’s begin:

  1. Putting an end to “SMMA”
  2. Building an offer clients pay you $10,000+ per month for
  3. Finding and closing GP deals worth $100k+
  4. Scaling past $100k a month without working with dozens of clients or pulling 14+ hour days

1. Creating the Growth Partner Model & burning down the agency

Less than 12 months ago, life looked very different.

I had built my marketing agency over the past 2 years while also:

I remember doing 4-5 hours every morning on client work before going to lectures and taking sales calls.

Pivoting into The Growth Partner

Blindly following what everyone else out there is teaching when it comes to “SMMA".

I learnt a couple “high-value skills” and started charging companies within my “niche” anywhere from $500 - $3000 per month. Delivering a specific service like facebook ads or cold email lead generation.

I remember this one client I was charging £250 a month for. End of month rolls around, I sent this tiny invoice and get hit back with almost an instant reply.

“I have already put £250 into ad spend, what is this £250 for?”

Then continues to argue with me over this £250 proclaiming I should be more clear with my pricing… I remember thinking like what was I meant to do? Work for free? But not even pushing back because I just wanted the money.

My niche was still pretty loose at the time.

It was because no one was teaching you how to get clients without spending thousands of dollars on ads. So it took me an entire year just to figure that out.

Pivoting into The Growth Partner

So I kinda took anyone who needed help regardless of the niche or what service they needed. This lead me to working with random clients doing services that I normally wouldn’t for a quick pay day. I remember I had clients in Real Estate, Coaching, SaaS, Crypto, Health & Fitness, Construction - basically I was all over the place.

Once I finally solved client acquisition I thought I would be simple to scale to $100k/mo by just bringing on more clients.

And at its peak I was doing $60k/mo, but it felt like something was missing.

Pivoting into The Growth Partner

Yes, I was making decent money, but no matter how many hours I worked, I simply couldn’t scale.

There was no consistency; one month, I made $9k, and the next, it was $4k…$23k one month, and $11k the next.

I felt stuck… working round the clock where 12+ hour days were the norm with this constant balancing act between finding new clients and attempting to deliver for 20+ current clients.

My results were inconsistent, not because I didn’t know what to do, but because I didn’t have time.

The worst part is that even if I was getting paid $2k/mo, I felt like I needed to prove myself to clients who didn’t care that much. I’d have sleepless nights, working harder than the CEO only for them to blame me when something didn’t work and leave after 3 months.

I remember it got so bad that I was on my first “holiday” since Covid, still pulling 10+ hour days in a desperate attempt to keep clients and continue to grow.

I was maxed out and not getting the return I wanted. I knew I’d never fulfil my potential babysitting these low paying sh*t clients but I felt lost.

It was at this point I realised I didn’t have the freedom - I had a glorified job.

I had all these skills but wasn’t making killer money - I hadn’t built a real business.

And this is when I met Jordan.

Jordan and Jacob

Whilst I was building my agency, Jordan spent the past five years partnering with an Irish Entrepreneur, helping him grow his Ed-Tech business from $2m to $10m ARR with his eye on the 9-figure exit.‍

Pivoting into The Growth Partner

Jordan didn’t do it by hiring agencies or working with consultants.

Agencies either worked on retainer and were incentivised only to do just enough not to get the contract cancelled or offered to work on performance-only deals that just wasted his time.

No serious business wants to do performance-only deals; they want to pay someone well and know the work will be done right.

Consultants don’t do the work. Most are full of BS & others, you want to take their knowledge, then get rid of ASAP!

So instead of wasting tens of thousands of dollars and hours they did it themselves.

They were savages - out on the road selling, messing things up, fixing them and selling more.

And over the last few years, Jordan closed clients and created partnerships with Microsoft, The Adecco Group, Tesco, Jaguar, and Land Rover. He actually delivered training for the U.K. Census - talk about punching above your weight!

The Growth Partner client logos

12-hour days, 7 days a week, were the norm. Jordan was making comfy 6-figures, living in a nice apartment in London, had a nice car, exciting business and was on track for a multi-7-figure exit, but Covid hit, and he went back to Newcastle.

Over the next year, Jordan watched his best friend for 10+ years start making fuck you money (£400k/mo, to be exact) while working half as hard as.

Jordan with a friend

Jordan was the Managing Director of a company that objectively had more enterprise value than his business. But he was the one retiring his entire family while driving around in Lamborghinis and G-Wagons.

Although, Jordan’s Dad laughed at him when he said he was going to be a millionaire and questioned if he was selling drugs…

He knew he probably had 2 years max before he needed to support his family financially, and the maths just didn’t add up.

He also knew he’d never get there in his current vehicle and had to dedicate another 3-5 years to get his return because he had golden handcuffs (exits normally take twice as long as you think).

He needed more cash flow now to support his family and enterprise value for the long run.

So instead, Jordan spent 2 months interviewing 40 CEOs from the Education sector.

Further Education Market Study (21-22)

The Growth Partner map

He decided to test his findings and idea with our first client.

£15,000 upfront, £5,000 per month and 25% of revenue… on a year long contract!

So while I was out here struggling to sign $3000/mo deals with 5+ years of direct response marketing, Jordan was signing 6-figure deals for his first ever client.

The Growth Partner map

However, something was still missing - floods of leads.

And that’s when Jordan and I spent a day working in the Four Seasons. I was going in there to teach him a few things about marketing and eat a good steak.

Instead, I sat there listening to how Jordan was able to charge 2-3x more than me with ZERO marketing experience and ZERO tangible deliverables.

He didn’t even know to send cold emails or run ads; he actually laughed about it repeatedly. It was a bit annoying. Instead of competing on price he found a way to go to the top end of the market and become the premium option.

That day we talked for hours, breaking down everything Jordan learnt from his interviews, that I hated about my agency and everything Jordan hated about working with agencies.

‍ Later that day, I walked away from that meeting and burnt down my $66k/mo agency as of April 2022. By the end of May, it was already at $4k a month because I WAS the business, so when I went, so did the business.

‍ Jordan walked away, giving away half of his business.

‍ And we both walked with clarity on how to build a business with free cash flow and significant enterprise value, The Growth Partner Model.

So what is the Growth Partner?

A Growth Partner is someone who takes advantage of the market inefficiencies that are left by overpaid consultants and under performing agencies.

‍ They drop vanity metrics such as clicks, views and likes and focus on metrics that drive the business forward - revenue, profitability and enterprise value.

‍ By positioning themselves as an internal partner (who’s only purpose is to maximise profit) they’re able to secure long term, high value, 12-month contracts with CEO’s and Founders of businesses with sound products and operations.

‍ Using a hybrid model between core services and consultancy they can go into any business and create real growthwithout having to build a product or manage the operational mess that normally comes with building a business.

Specifically, they find product-market fit by cycling angles with different customer segments. Once they find the most profitable ICP they double down and then look holistically throughout the rest of business.

They will adapt the price, positioning, offer, messaging, funnel, marketing and sales process to maximise the return on investment for their partners.

They create millions in enterprise value and take a slice of everything they create.

They work with 5-10 partners MAX and make multiple 7 or even 8 figures a year.

Their case studies do the selling for them.

They get to cherry pick the partners from a long waiting list because they get paid so well, that they never worry about money.

‍ And this is where the opportunity lies for you - helping other companies scale as a Growth Partner.

‍ You don’t have to try to create demand; it already exists; you are just giving the market what it wants: Increased revenue and profits in the most efficient way possible.

A Growth Partner is a one-of-one, unique go-to person in any given market that everyone wants to work with; clients love them and competitors TRY to copy from them.

‍ But only one person will take 80% of profits from the market, leaving the scraps for the others.

So how do you become a Growth Partner?

2. Building THE offer that positions you as a 1-1 so clients pay $10k+ per month

I spent three years building an agency and never got close to $10k/mo retainers. It didn't matter how good I got at delivering results; I just didn't have an offer worth paying $10k+ for.

The better you are at making offers, the more demand and the worse you can be at literally everything else.

We realised that to charge $10k+/mo, we only needed to align 4 things.

a. To work with one specific type of customer that we could help

By this point, we’d already spoken to 40+ CEOs in the Education sector and figured out who our customers were and who they weren’t.

You see, Education isn’t a niche; it’s a $7b industry in the U.K. with hundreds of niches. Just like B2B SaaS isn’t a niche or Ecom isn’t a niche.

We could have been greedy and tried to go after the whole industry, but we like certain things.

We wanted to become the best or only option in one market so we could charge more without being price-compared, which meant we focused our efforts on Further Education.

We knew:

But we didn’t know that we needed to work with businesses with product-market fit - our first client struggled with this.

Essentially, we needed to work with CEOs of companies that were going to be successful with or without us, and we were just there to accelerate the growth and take a slice of the pie (similar to how Private Equity works).

Look for partners who are already making $1m-$5m a year (get rich by working with rich people), ready to expand the team and have some good case studies.

Our second client Digital Learning Institute grew from £100k/mo to £200k/mo in 3 months. Small tweak, big difference!

The Growth Partner testimonial
The Growth Partner testimonial

b. To focus on what businesses actually want. RESULTS. OUTCOMES. Not services.

When running my agency, I focused on delivering services because I thought that was what people were looking for.

The Growth Partner sales letter

I was seen as just another agency to hire, a commodity competing on price and not value because they could compare me to thousands of others offering the exact same thing.

But by speaking to 40+ CEOs, no one said they wanted more leads or calls.

See, the goal of every for-profit business is revenue growth and increased profits in the most efficient way. This gives maximum returns for the shareholders.

So, sell more profits.

That means we didn’t have to think about how much time it takes or how much it costs us to deliver; we focused on how much money the problem is worth to our clients if you can solve it.

And ultimately, since we’re charging based on value created, we could instantly charge 2-4x what you once were IF you can back it up.

Seems obvious - so how do you practically do this (even without a case study)…
Create a unique mechanism…

c. Build a logical pathway for clients to go from A to B (Unique Mechanism)

Contrary to what everyone says, customers do care how you get them the results they paid for.

Using big claims might get their attention, but CEOs of 7, 8 and 9-figure businesses don’t buy on emotion or 1-call closes; they buy based on maths, logic and evidence with proper due diligence.

We thought of it like this, if we had to grow our own business, what would we do?

We want to control each step of the process because you can create millions if you move the needle in a few directions across the board.

This is why the concept of selling one service in isolation is BS.

So even though between me and Jordan we knew:

And while we could have created a 6-figure agency around any one of these skills, we were looking for 8+ figures.

We took just a handful of our highest impact, revenue-driving skills and put them together in a logical sequence - these became the pillars of our business (which will be important in step 4).

We chose:

FE Growth Partner Action Plan

The market is saturated, so we had to position ourselves in a new way that gave our prospects clarity as to why everything they’ve tried before hasn’t worked and why ours will.

CEOs aren’t stupid; that’s why we build custom plans for our clients to go from their current state to their desired state using our logical process - this is our secret sauce and how anyone can close 6-figure deals if they can read and are motivated (we’ll cover this in more detail in the next step).

When you impact all these things if you can improve each part by 20% it’s not a 20% increase, it's a 200% increase.‍

Making them more money and making you harder to replace.

This creates a single point of failure within their business, so even if someone came offering to do the same thing it’s too great a risk for them. That way they stay with you for years and you can basically charge what you want.

TThis isn’t about having a perfectly packaged skillset when you are starting out. Remember, Jordan didn’t even know how to market but was closing 6-figure deals.

You will need to iterate fast and see what works and what doesn’t. You’ll uncover insights in your niche that will improve the efficiency of your process, get better results and collect stronger case studies.

d. Creating a deal structure that serves you and the client

My agency's typical retainer was $3000 a month, which meant hitting $100k/mo (my goal at the time); I needed 34 clients.

Firstly, signing 34 clients is hard enough, but delivering for them?

I ended up burning so many good clients because there wasn’t enough time to deliver the results I knew I could have. It’s a lose-lose situation.

So the answer was to have fewer clients but to take better care of those clients. That way, they get better results, so they don’t leave that way; we didn’t need to aggressively market and could focus even more on our current clients.

That’s why we needed something that gave us:

We were operating at 95%+ margins from the start and since 1 client paid us 6-figures in pure profit. This creates free cash flow to invest back into the team without having to worry about some crazy money-back guarantee.

And before, I needed to take on dozens of new clients when I wanted to scale. But now, scaling comes by working with fewer clients and getting better results.

So instead of needing 5 clients to make $10k/mo I only needed 1.

‍Reducing our time spent on delivery by 90%.

This means the more demand we generate, the more selective we can be and the more we can charge.

Whenever a potential client gave us even minor red flags, or we didn’t like the offer, we’d just move to the next.

We knew that bringing on one client monthly for a year would create a multi 7-figure business.

And ultimately, because they get more of your direct attention, they get better results.

So it’s pretty simple: People who charge more make more and get better results than people who don’t.

So how do you actually find and close these whale clients who will pay $10k+ per month?

3. Finding and closing GP deals worth $100k+

The first thing we did was collect a case study from a previous partner. We used this to create our first claim by taking what their revenue was before we started after we finished and the timeframe.

Using this formula: How to go from {State A} to {State B} in {timeframe} without {pain}.

Secondly, the insights from interviewing CEOs were used to build our first sales letter.

We reached out to a few CEOs we had interviewed previously who were the best fit and asked for feedback. We signed our next 2 Growth Partner deals in May last year due to achieving market-message resonance.

After that, we built an outbound marketing system. Using outbound, we were able to get sales calls with direct decision-makers for free‍ (other than a few tech costs).

Since we were focused on working with one specific type of partner, we created a database of prospects based on the lookalikes of our first three clients.

We sourced decision-maker emails, phone numbers and LinkedIn profiles from AI sites like Ocean ai, Apollo and Scrubby ai to create a clean database of prospects.

The Growth Partner leads
The Growth Partner lead generation

We plugged these leads into Instantly and Expandi to target 1000-2000 prospects per week.

We’d use the below messaging because when you’re going for whales, get straight to the point.

The Growth Partner lead generation
The Growth Partner outreach message

We tested our offer's specific messaging and positioning repeatedly by changing 1 variable in the offer at a time until we found a clear winner booking 10+ sales calls a week.

(If you want to learn more about how we book 100+ calls per month in 2023 for free watch this)

The Growth Partner lead generation statistics
The Growth Partner statistics
The Growth Partner lead generation statistics
The Growth Partner lead generation statistics
The Growth Partner lead generation statistics
The Growth Partner lead generation statistics
The Growth Partner lead generation statistics

Now we had meetings set up and ran them through this simple 3-step sales process

1. Discovery call

We asked these questions:

Clarify current state: How much revenue did you make last month?

Clarify future state: If we were having this conversation 12 months on today, looking back, what would you have achieved personally and professionally to be happy with the progress? (let them talk, dig into specifics once they are finished)

Custom questions:

  1. Who is your target clients, and why?
  2. What’s the main thing you solve for your client? What’s your offer?
  3. How much is your service?
  4. How many new opportunities are you getting per month?
  5. How do you currently attract new clients?
  6. What’s your current sales process, and who is involved in the process?
  7. What is the makeup of your team?

2. Create a custom proposal

We combined our sales letter framework and direct insights from discovery calls to create custom proposals tailored to each individual prospect.

It walks them through exactly where they are now and how much revenue they want to grow.

It’s then tailored to showcase who we’d be targeting, how much their offer is and what their LTV is. We use these to demonstrate a clear ROI for the services.

The Growth Partner client proposal

3. Sales call

We ran them through our custom proposal and presented our logical argument, positioning ourselves as a partner, a direct extension of their internal team purely focused on revenue growth.

We even threw stones at their team and partners by explaining how if they were trying to find an average Head Of Growth, CMO and Sales Enablement, they’d be looking at $394k a year (without the $119k in average cash bonuses).

Partners take equity. We’re only taking a revenue share of what we actually impact which big businesses already set aside a budget of up to 20% for referral partners.

Chief Marketing Officer average salary
Sales Enablement average salary
Head of Growth average salary

This is why we were able to charge $10k-25k up front, $10k-20k a month and 5-25% revenue growth over 12 months.

When we closed them as a client, we used this contract to ensure we actually got paid.

When we closed them as a client, we used this contract to ensure we actually got paid.

After we closed a few more deals, momentum really started to build.

Because we were selling to one niche, we used partners' names, logos and success to attract other ideal prospects who recognised the names and logos.

We used the learnings and insights from previous sales to refine our sales process and create the second variation of our sales letter.

This did 90% of the heavy lifting for us. We used 1 channel, 1 ugly sales funnel and 1 sales letter to add just under another $2m ARR.

FE Growth Partner landing page

But to scale to $100k a month and beyond, you can’t be the business.

You need to buy back your time and build a real business that can operate without you being involved in every aspect.

4. Scaling past $100,000 a month without working with dozens of clients or pulling 14+ hour days

To grow a business, you need three things:

A consistent, repeatable, scalable way to…

  1. Generate demand
  2. Convert demand into paying clients
  3. Get client results

It’s simple, but 99% of businesses don’t have this.

They don't have a lever they can pull to get clients coming in. Their leads are inconsistent.

All we had to do was plug the same system we had already created for our own business into our partner's business because it was their job to deliver on step 3.

And since we work with them over a 12 month period we have time to find product-market-fit, find market-message resonance and identify the delivery mechanism that's going generate the most demand/ and ultimately ROI for the partners.

Every time a client got quantifiable results we’d document what worked.

We’d use this with other partners to improve results, collect a case study and scale up.

We started taking on one client a month within the niche, building a waiting list of partners ready to come on board.

Once we had documented it was time to reinvest into a team.

The first few hires are important.
Now at first, just like every other 20-something agency owner out there, we tried to replace us by hiring a few VA’s from the Philippines.
And, of course, this didn’t work.

Here’s how our first two hires worked out.

  1. One had a power outage, didn’t reply for two weeks and then just emailed saying they quit.
  2. The other sent us a picture of his dead Grandma in Slack to prove he wasn’t just taking time off

And this is one of the biggest reasons that companies don’t scale. They cheap out on talent, hire the wrong people or don’t hire at all and end up stuck in fulfilment.
That’s why we headhunted on LinkedIn for heads of pillars by searching for similar companies and reaching out with this script:

The Growth Partner
The Growth Partner

We were looking for A team players with domain expertise who could create their own structure and manage themselves and the team.
From October to March, we hired 6 execs (CRO, COO, CSD, CFO, CSM) and a Managing Director.

The Growth Partner

We set the vision, develop our leaders, have a couple of meetings a week and ensure quality hasn’t dropped.
Now for context this is what my calendar was like in October 2022.

The Growth Partner

And this is what it is like in April 2023.

The Growth Partner

The rest runs without us.

With this extra time we focused on selecting ‍ and bringing on new homogeneous clients.

That way we can copy the angles and delivery mechanism into each new client.

This way you save countless hours trying to figure out the delivery mechanism and your fulfilment complexity collapses. They get quicker ROI so you can collect your rev share.

Finally, we use these insights and learnings within the consultancy element of our offer to increase the value to our partners. This reduces the amount of core services we have to deliver for new clients and again reduces fulfilment complexity because the offer becomes more 50/50 DFY and consultancy.

And that’s the big secret to how you scale to $100k a month without being tied to the business - people & processes.

Building your pillars, getting client results and collecting case studies are how you get to $50k a month.

To get from $50k a month to $100k+/mo, put A team players in charge of each pillar.

Now we have free time, resources and cash flow to work on projects that energise us and have a bigger impact.

This is how to make $197,285/mo in just 11 months using the “Growth Partner Model”

I truly believe with the correct support; you can do it in 6 months or less.

The guys are proving me right:

And in case you have any other doubts… Here's 100's of other 6 & 7-figure agency owners using the Growth Partner Model to charge more and scale much further:

The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner
The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner The Growth Partner

And for that reason, we created a new offer for a specific few who we believe are the right fit to become a Growth Partner.

So let me explain how the growth partner accelerator works and what it looks like if you get accepted.

What you will learn

I will teach you all the skills you need to build a multi-7-figure growth partner business in under a year.

You'll learn

You will be given a personalised action plan to follow - all you have to do is follow.

You will have assets and templates to copy and paste for your business.

You will never have to rely on anyone else again because you have the skills that put you in complete control of your life.

You will learn what’s required to build 7, 8 & 9 figure businesses.

You will learn how to manage your personal life, your state, your finances, your relationships as you are going through this process.

You will learn what to do with your millions. What to spend it on and what not to spend it on.

How we will help you get to $100K+ per month without being needed in the day-to-day

We’re not going to just give you full training content and teach you skills we’re going to work with you 1-1 to implement on a repeatable process.

The Growth Partner

In just a few hours you’ll be on an onboarding call with your personal growth partner. They’ll pick your niche based on your experience, profit margins, market cap, growth rate, TAM and market sophistication level.

They will start building out your Growth Partner offer based on the market needs and your current skillset.

They’ll build you a custom action plan for where you are now and where you want to get to.

The Growth Partner

We’re going to cycle claims until we find product-market-fit so you can charge

And secure a 12 month contract

The Growth Partner

We’re going to install a client acquisition system within your business and give you access to our proprietary database where you can handpick the clients that you are going to make the most money from.

We’ll also give you the same scripts and templates that we know are already converting so you can start booking 15-30 sales calls a week.

The Growth Partner
The Growth Partner

We’re going to help you create a sales argument that gets clients to say yes to the highest prices and the longest contracts.

Because closing $1k/mo retainers and closing $10k/mo are two completely different sales processes. And if you know what you’re doing, it’s much simpler.

That’s why we found that even if you hate sales or don’t have case studies 57% of our partners close their first deal in under 30 days of joining.

The Growth Partner

Having generated tens of millions in profit, millions of leads and hundreds of thousands of sales calls for our clients you’re getting the benefit of all that data.

We’re going to licence you the exact SOP’s, systems, frameworks and scripts that are working RIGHT NOW to over-deliver for your clients month after month…for YEARS.

Statistically, we’ve found that before clients worked with us their average contract length was 60-90 days. We’re able to get that to a minimum of 12 months. So 4-6x as long.

The Growth Partner
The Growth Partner
The Growth Partner

After working with 300+ agencies scaling to 6 & 7 figures a month we found the single biggest bottleneck to growth isn’t offer, marketing or sales… it’s team and operations.
That’s why we’re just going to give you all our SOP’s and back-end systems we used to exit the day to day of our business at $100k/mo.
We’ll copy and pasteour hiring framework, team management, and client management process into your business. That way you can find & retain the best clients & talent.

The Growth Partner

We’ll even review every step of the way within 24 hours.

Meaning when you spin up a marketing campaign we’ll give you feedback.

The Growth Partner

When you’re trying to close a deal we’ll review your custom plans & watch your calls.

The Growth Partner

When you’re trying to hire team members we’ll help screen them.

The Growth Partner

And this isn’t just once, we’ll review it as many times as you need.

We are so confident we guarantee your first $50,000 growth partner client or we’ll refund you in full.

Additionally, since we truly believe in partnerships (hence the name…) and want to build long-lasting relationships with great people and entrepreneurs.

We basically become non-equity partners within your business. We work with you 1-2-1 and give access to our entire exec team within your private Slack channel to help you every step of the way.

We will check in on you daily and hold you accountable to your own success.

You’ll have a maximum of a 2 hour response time.

You’ll get your own personal Growth Partner who’s built & scaled their own 6 and 7 figure business to walk you through the process.

You’ll get 1-1 sessions where we tell you exactly what to do.

This is not a coaching programme - this is a business accelerator.

The amount of 1-2-1 support we provide has never been done in the market, we can’t work with 100 or even 50 people, and we don’t want to.

We only work with people who we know will be successful and are driven like us.

We care about building a tribe of Growth Partners who can work together, grow together, build wealth, share insights, travel the world, share stories and bring immense value to each other and the market.

The Growth Partner document

We’ll conduct a full agency audit and see how the Growth Partner model can apply to you.

Then we’ll create a personalised plan to get you to the next level - for FREE!

Then if we decide you're a good fit to partner with? We. Literally. Guarantee. Revenue. Or You DO NOT PAY.

At the end of the session one of two things will happen.

  1. You love the plan and decide to implement it on your own. If this is the case, I’ll wish you the best of luck and even give you a free course worth $1k so you can implement it right away.
  2. You love the plan and ask to become a partner so I can personally help you execute and profit from it ASAP. If that’s the case, we’ll knock it out of the park ...And that’s a promise.

Or you’ll get a full refund and walk away with everything we used to build our business to $400,000 per month.

Questions and Answers

🤔 How does your guarantee work?

Since we are so confident, we’ll do what no one else is willing to do - guarantee revenue growth. Meaning you are entitled to a full refund if by the end of the 5 months you haven’t secured at least 1 Growth Partner deal worth $50,000 and you have followed the customised action plan we give you on our onboarding call.

💰 How much does this cost?

We’ll create a clear plan for you up front - for free - and then let you pay later if (and only if) we decide to work together long term.

Now our goal with this plan is to make you more money by just a quick conversation with us than what you’d pay me if we decide to work together.

That way it really doesn’t “cost” you anything.

How’s that for a no-brainer offer? (On Hormozi)

There’s a number of ways I can do this for you...

For example, I’ll tell you how to reposition your offer to charge more and create demand. How to get clients coming to you and how to bring in back-end money as well through upsells or retention.

💭 I’m new to marketing, is this right for me?

This is for people 100% committed to put in the work or have a high-value skill set. We can guarantee results for both!

📈 What is a Growth Partner? And how is this different from a marketing agency?

An Agency owner delivers 1 specific skill or type of service like Facebook ads to one specific niche like Med Spas. The problem is that you’ll never be able to guarantee revenue growth because you only control one isolated part of the process.

A Growth Partner looks at the end to end sales process. Meaning they don't just do Facebook ads, they do offer, funnel, creatives, copy, campaign management, email flow, sms flow and tweak the back-end sales process.

This way, by increasing each of these by 20%, it’s not a 20% increase in performance, it's a 200% increase. Which can be the difference between a profitable campaign and not.

Now, to control more of the process you need to charge in accordance. So, instead of charging $2,000 for Facebook ads you would charge $10,000 for everything. Finally, since you're focused on revenue growth you can take a percentage of all the revenue you generate on top of the flat fixed fee.

Now note: this isn’t a full service agency where you do a pick and mix of services that the client gets to choose, we’re putting all the skills you already have into one repeatable system that you do over and over again for every client.

In essence, a Growth Partner is someone who’s focused on partnering with CEOs of businesses to help them increase their revenue by delivering on a clear growth plan.

👤 Do I need to be an Agency owner before becoming a Growth Partner?

While it can be useful to own an Agency before it is not necessary to have run an agency. With our direct guidance if you’re committed enough you will be able to get started as a Growth Partner without having to learn the traditional agency model. This means you’ll get to skip all the pains and headaches that the traditional model brings and get started in the better vehicle.

⛔ Do I need to shut down my marketing agency or get rid of my current clients?

No, you do not need to shut down your agency or get rid of any existing clients. We will show you how to upsell existing clients into the Growth Partner model and offload any clients that are sucking away your time.

🏆 How do I transition my agency into a Growth Partner business?

It’s normal for businesses to develop to achieve the next stage of growth. Improving your business by transitioning your agency to a growth partner is likely making some of the following changes:

  1. Redefining your offer to work with your favourite / most profitable clients, which will increase your monthly profits.
  2. Partner with better businesses for high-value contracts and to create better case studies.
  3. Hiring senior A-team players to manage and drive departments that’ll free up 80% of your time.

💚 Why are we doing this?

We have too many opportunities to deliver on. We can create GPs, partner together and share opportunities to deliver even better results while enjoying the journey with good people.

Our own Growth Partner business is focused on growing training providers (old school info-products). We were getting 10% from helping other companies grow to 7 & 8 figures. We realised we had the opportunity to own 100% of the profits and become our own best case study while getting new insights to help our clients.

🧐 What if it doesn't work?

We are not bringing anyone into the accelerator who will not get results. But to eliminate all risk on your side, we guarantee you an increase in revenue or we’ll refund you in full.

⏰ How much time is needed to make this work?

This is not for people who are looking for an easy ride or if you want to make $5,000 a month and sit on a beach in Bali. This is for people who want to build a real business and deliver exceptional results.

This is a full-time thing. You can do it part-time to start with, but as you scale up and start to hit the numbers which are possible, you will want to drop everything and do this full-time. There is an opportunity in the market that you can capture. I advise going strong, carving out your niche and capturing profits asap.

💼 Do I need a case study?

No, it's a good starting spot, but we will give you the exact step-by-step process you need to collect your first case study in the right way. The way where one case study can help you make £1m+/yr.

Here are a few examples of Growth Partners starting with nothing:

  • Luke closed a $60,000 deal
  • Mauricio closed £194,000 worth of deals
  • Ben closed $101,000 worth of deals

🚀 Why hasn’t everyone become a growth partner already?

Up until now, the vehicle wasn’t defined for people. We are the first people bringing this to the market in a way that gives others a clear path to follow if they can afford it.

🔥 What happens when you join the Growth Partner Accelerator?

Once you’ve decided to become a Growth Partner here’s exactly what’s going to happen:

#1 - Private Channel Welcome

Within 24 hours, you’ll be placed inside our Slack community and within your own private Slack channel where you will have Unlimited access to me, Jordan and our leadership team (not some coaches who’ve never built a business). You’ll be welcomed by the entire team and given instructions on how to navigate around the Growth Partner Accelerator.

At this point you’ll also be given full access to all of the training materials including:

The exact SOPs, cashflow systems, client success processes, operational back-end, pre-built high-converting funnels, sales scripts, finance team, legal team and everything else we’ve used to scale to $4m a year.

#2 - 1-2-1 onboarding

Two things are happening on this 1-2-1 onboarding call…

1. We’ll rip apart your entire business and identify everything that needs to be done on both our ends.

2. We’ll create a personalised 5-month business plan that will help you reach that next level as FAST as possible.

This is not your typical generic plan that everyone goes through. This is a specific plan to YOU, your business and current situation. We go through the step-by-step actions you need to take and the timeframe you need to take them within if you want to hit the goals we set out in the call.

#3 - How we support you to execute on your plan

Now depending on the plan we lay out, your next steps will be custom to you but we’ll support in the 8 steps.

A) We’ll review your progress daily, feeding back on exactly what you should be working on for that day, keeping you focused on what’s going to drive the business forward because we understand what is required to make this work.

If you don’t update your plan, me and the team will be on your case. We are here to hold you accountable to your own success.

B) 5 strategy sessions per week with us and our executive team

🗓️ Mondays | Client Success & Communications with our COO Kate

🗓️ Tuesdays | SDRs & Sales with Ian (our CRO) & Joe

🗓️ Wednesdays | Offer & positioning with Jordan & Jacob

🗓️ Thursdays | Campaigns and Lead Generation with Jacob

🗓️ Fridays | Mindset & How to be a CEO with Jordan

C) You’ll have two 1-2-1 check-in calls where we’ll review your progress and re-evaluate the plan based on the new data.

D) You’ll have access to a private community of 100+ ex-agency owners and specific channels to get all your questions answered.

E) We’ll personally review your niche, offer and positioning so that you are the best or only option in the market and can confidently charge $5,000 - $20,000 per month + 10% revenue share.

Statistically, before working with us agencies on average are charging $1,628 per month. We’re able to get that to $5,196 after just one meeting.

F) We’ll help set-up your cold acquisition system, help you build a database of 3000+ ideal clients and even help write your outbound scripts.

G) We’ll give you the exact 7-figure sales letter structure we used to sign 10+ Growth Partner deals in 2022 and help you write your first sales letter to ensure you clearly demonstrate the value you offer.

H) We’ll review your sales calls as many times as possible so we leave nothing up to chance.

🗓️ What do you do VS what do I do?

Our experts will help you grow your business with customised strategies.

Other programs focus on more ‘info’. One-size-fits-all, do it yourself that’s focused on giving you content for more skills.

For example, VSL training done by someone who’s never run ads to a VSL or worked with a sales team.

How to hire, when their team are only VAs.

Our focus is on simplifying your business and maximising profits, and we do this with you.

We become your partner that’s financially incentivised by your success.

Our team will give you personal support, daily workshops, and access to our executives. We'll also share the frameworks that helped us build three 7-figure businesses in 10 years.

The fundamental difference is we have the context behind the content. The nuances are important, someone who’s been there and done it and is still doing it.

⏳ What’s a realistic timeframe to get my first Growth Partner deal?

Statistically, we’ve found that on average 57% of new members close their first deal within 30 days of joining.

If you already have happy paying clients? We’ll show you how you can upsell your existing clients onto your new Growth Partner offer within the first week.

If we’re starting from scratch, here’s what you can expect:

Timeframe What you can expect
Day 2 Fully onboarded with your customised action plan
Day 3 Outbound system fully set-up
Day 7-14 Meetings on your calendar
Day 14-21 Taken your first discovery call
Day 21-28 Taken your first sales call
Day 28+ Closed your first deal

💵 How much can you actually make?

After working with 100+ Growth partners we’ve found that the average deal size is $62,386.06 before performance fees with an average increase in monthly revenue per Growth Partner of $16,500. That said, the sky is the limit with the growth partner model. We got to $197,285/m in 11 months with just 11 clients and 68% margins.

📥 How will you help me get clients?

We have a variety of client acquisition systems that we have personally used to book over 2,000+ appointments over the last 12 months. These systems vary between paid acquisition, outbound and inbound across a multitude of channels such as, Email, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Regardless of your niche, offer or experience we’ll have a system we can implement for your business.

🤝🏿 What does a typical deal look like?

A typical deal has an up front fee of $10,000 - $20,000. Is a 12 month contract with a monthly fee of anywhere between $5,000 - $20,000 and a 10% of all revenue you generate for their business. Again, we’ve found the average deal size across all our Growth Partners is $62,386.

🎯 Will it work for my niche?

Every for-profit niche will need a Growth Partner because you are just giving the market what it wants: Increased revenue and profits in the most efficient way possible. Since it only takes a handful of clients to build a 7-figure business, even the most competitive of niches can be wildly profitable.

If you don’t already have a niche you’re confident in, we’ll look at your previous experience, interests and case studies to determine the industry with the biggest opportunity for you. We’ll then give you action steps to get a deeper understanding and start speaking to CEOs within the space using The Interview Method.

📊 What should my offer be? And what will I do to deliver results?

We will create a custom offer tailored to the specific niche you choose to focus on initially.

This is how we create a unique mechanism that’s different to the competitors out there.

It’s likely to include revenue growth or profitability growth.

The mechanism you build will entirely depend on you, your niche and skill set.

We will continuously improve this as you gain new insights, get deeper into the market and as market sophistication develops.

This is the first step of how we win forever!

🔰 Do I need to offer some sort of guarantee?

No, but we recommend using a guarantee to minimise risk and make it easier for you to close a 6-figure deal.

However, unlike most, we don’t suggest using a money-back guarantee. Money-back guarantee makes it difficult to sustainably build and re-invest in your business. We have a number of other guarantees that we suggest you use instead that we’ll discuss once we’ve sat down and built your offer together.

🤑 How do I track client sales?

We have a few systems in place for tracking client sales:

  1. Get access to their CRM where you can see an update on all the leads
  2. Have a third-party software such as Hyros
  3. Put a contract clause in with your partner to have a monthly accounts review

💸 What other costs are involved?

This is a lean, extremely profitable business to run. You will have 95%+ margins at the start. You can get started from anywhere in the world; you just need a laptop and a few bits of software which cost a maximum of $200 a month. There are no other costs until you need to hire talent.

❓Who should I hire? When? And how?

Within your action plan we’ll map out exactly at what stage you should be hiring and for what position so you can eventually get all your client work off your plate while keeping it above KPI.

We’ll give you access to the exact hiring framework we used to hire each of our execs:

  1. Nikola - Scaled his Growth Partner business to $40,000 profit per month
  2. Jan - Seasoned Business Executive with extensive experience in leading large-, start-up-, and remote operations, including South Africa's ZAR4 bilion/annum turnover Recruitment Services giant, Adcorp Holdings.
  3. Kate - scaled an agency to a 7-figure exit and helped 6+ companies scale through M&A
  4. Matt - Amazon’s fastest growing manager
  5. Ian - 25+ years sales experience and built a sales team bigger than Hormozi

🔋 How long is the accelerator and what happens at the end of it?

The Growth Partner Accelerator lasts 5 months. At the end, you’ll have a hyper-profitable business and we’ll sit down to map out clear next steps for you which include either:

  1. Mapping out action steps and wishing you the best of luck on the next phase of your journey.
  2. Building another action plan, maintaining access to the community, team and content for a lower monthly fee.
  3. Being invited into our private mastermind group with all the higher level Growth Partners looking to scale to multiple 6-figures a month.

🔑 What’s the difference between you and other programs out there?

Our team of professionals who’ve actually grown businesses are going to help you to implement specifics personalised to your business.

Other programs focus on more info, one-size-fits-all - do it yourself.

We focused on helping you build your business, reduce the complexities and focus on building high-profits with enterprise value - done with you. We become your partner that’s financially incentivised by your success.

We’re giving you 1-1 personalised support, daily workshops, our execs and the assets, frameworks we’ve used to build three 7-figure businesses over the past 10 years.

What will I learn?

You will learn specific skills such as:

  • How to find untouched niches
  • How to build an offer that people will pay 5-figures a month for
  • How to position yourself as a 1 of 1
  • How to create acquisition systems that book 20-30 appointments a week
  • How to close 6-figure deals even if you hate sales
  • How to write banger sales letters that makes closing easy
  • How to systemise the processes within your business
  • How to hire and manage top tier talent
  • How to manage your business and personal finances
  • How to protect yourself against any potential legal risks
  • How to manage your time and prioritise effectively
  • How to manage your personal headspace and keep personally aligned
  • How to collect killer case studies by delivering results
  • How to manage client relationships and maintain frame
  • How to retain clients and keep them happily wiring you 5-figure retainers for years
  • How to upsell, cross sell and create a second offer
  • How to consistently add $10,000+ in new MRR month after month